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Current Status

Gitlab Board and issues

Status of sprint 05 Date 4.4.2023

What has been achieved

  • Demo ready
  • Skill Collector almost ready, now only minor fixes

Next steps

  • Getting ready for seminar day 18.3.2023
  • Skill Collector to production server

Status of sprint 04 Date 21.3.2023

What has been achieved

  • Front end almost ready, small fixes
  • Testing continues

Next steps

  • Implementation according to roadmap
  • Getting ready for demo day 4.4.2023

Status of sprint 03 Date 10.3.2023

What has been achieved

  • FEA03-Customer-Feedback-system 1.0 completed
  • FEA20-skill-info-view completed
  • FEA21-skill-selection-view completed
  • FEA29-Softskill-selection-view completed

Next steps

  • Implementation according to roadmap

Status of sprint 02 Date 24.2.2023

What has been achieved

  • The documentation is ready, offer done
  • We are ready to implement

Next steps

  • Sprint 03 issues to gitlab
  • Feature implementation will be started according to the roadmap

Status of sprint 01 Date 7.2.2023

What has been achieved

  • The documentation is almost ready, of course there may be changes along the way
  • MockUp in a good phase, colors and design still needed to update with JAMK brand colors + font
  • CSC servers (test and production) up

Next steps

  • Sprint 02 issues to gitlab
  • Complete the documentation
  • Docker to CSC
  • Preparation to Offer occassion

Status of sprint 00 Date 24.1.2023

What has been achieved

  • Team introduction done
  • Team roles decided
  • Sprint 00 issues updated
  • Team mural in use
  • Team communication clear
  • Everyone has a good view of the project

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • CSC

Next steps

  • Sprint 01 issues to gitlab
  • A clear preliminary description of the softwares we will use must be made to the Mural
  • Mockup (with Figma)
  • CSC to run, and the docker expert tells to team what he has done with it