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Project plan

Document Project Plan Draft
Author: -
Version: 0.1
Date: 31.1.2023

1. Assignment

This document describes the Skill Collector application as part of JAMK University of Applied Sciences IT institute's course Future Factory, where students learn project work. The members of this team are second-year students who each have their own area of ​​specialization in the project. In the headings below, the background, goals, tasks, phase distribution, resources and organization are explained in more detail. The end result is, for example, a site in the form of a mock-up, which is used to clarify the needs of companies in working life.

Early stage Mock Up

1.1 background and starting points

Skill Collector came as an assignment for our Future Factory courses' company Gang de Farine. Skill Collector is used to collect information from companies and pass it on to educational institutions. The information collected concerns the skills that companies need now and in the future from future employees. Educational institutions can choose new courses or modify the content of the courses according to the companies' answers. The client is the LIPPA project and the product owner is Marko "Narsu" Rintamäki. The assignment has also been given to fifteen other companies of the course.

1.2 Goals and tasks

This project is only the first step in the development of Skill Collector. Together with the team, the Product Owner, the LIPPA project and the companies, we create the basis for the Skill Collector, so that the project can be continued, for example, in the WIMMA Lab.

Now we are focusing on creating a program called Skill Collector, which uses the front end to collect information about SFIA skills from companies, and enter it into the database. The minimum requirement is to get the information out of the database as a csv file that can be examined.

In the future, there is an opportunity to expand the program to be used by organizations other than JAMK, even into a global program. In the future, companies will also be able to examine the information they provide and make use of it.

A concrete vision of the program is an html page where company employees can click on which features are important, which are not important, which are useful features and so on. These answers can be examined in the organization (from the csv file) and the training can be adapted based on the answers.

1.3 Limitations and interfaces

The purpose is to implement only the features defined by the product owner and start developing them mainly. The development of features lower in their priority category is postponed or left out of the implementation.

The biggest limiting factor in the project is that Gang de Farine is made up of students, and a large part of the time resource goes into studying new things. Other courses also take up team members' time.

Skill Collector is implemented in one language (English), because the implementation of a user interface that works in several languages ​​is not in the list of requirements. However, the possibility of more languages ​​must be there so that one can be implemented in the future.

1.4 Rights and IPR

The rights of the various parties are defined in the project contract.

Project Contract

1.5 terms and definitions

  • The term feature refers to the feature requirements ordered by the client / product owner.

  • The client means the Lippa project.

  • The project team refers to the Gang de Farine training company made up of students.

  • Companies are those who fill out surveys with Skill Collector.

  • Organizations refer to those entities that examine information received from companies.

  • Does the project team have enough technical know-how to implement the program?

  • Does the project team have enough time to implement the program?

2. Project organization

2.1 Organization

The project organization includes JAMK teachers, project staff, students, project group supervisors and representatives of the client.

Structure of Project Organization in MindMap form

uml diagram

2.2 Responsibilities and decision-making process

Project Group

Team Introduction

Gang de Farine website

Gang de Farine GitLab

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Iina Pirinen Team Leader / Responsible for communication towards the management team, as well as dividing the team's work tasks. Gang de Farine
Reima Parviainen Responsible for program testing and cyber security, assists the team leader, assists the front end. Gang de Farine
Justus Hänninen Responsible for backend coding of the program, assists with frontend coding, database. Gang de Farine
Sampsa Tervo Responsible for backend coding of the program, assists with frontend coding, database. Gang de Farine
Aarne Salmi Responsible for servers, assisting the team leader, Docker. Gang de Farine

The project team performs the tasks set by the Management Team for the project within the scope of the available resources.

Board Members

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Marko Rintamäki Product Owner / Responsible for communication towards the customer (LIPPA) and companies, representative of JAMK JAMK
Karo Saharinen The client, gives the commission, answers questions about the commission. LIPPA
Hanna Frilander The client, gives the commission, answers questions about the commission. LIPPA

Support Group

The task of the support group is to provide Gang de Farine for a content guidance to complete the task.

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Veeti Hakala Dev support JAMK
Juho Pekki Ops support JAMK
Heli Ciszek Sec support JAMK

2.3.Project Steps and Financial Objectives

The roadmap in GitLab and section 3.1 Partitioning and Phase describe the phases of the project.

2.4.Quality verification

Application testing and quality assurance detailed on the Master Test Plan. Product Owner is responsible for the final approval of all features.

2.5.Communication and tracking of project progress

All communication method listed in Communication Plan

Project progress can be tracked in GitLab

2.6.The end of the project

Planned delivery date is 18.4.2023. The end of the project event has not been decided yet (coming soon).

3. Project's temporal Gates

3.1 Partitioning and Phase

GANTT Diagram using PlantUML

uml diagram

This project is divided into two-week sprints (each sprint has four full working days).

GATE0 - Planning and learning

  • Sprint00
  • Sprint01
  • This phase includes stage E0 - Introduction and team creation
  • The start of the project is essentially involving project planning and design documentation and creating communication practices with the contracting company. During the phase is made the Group's web pages, will be more familiar with the assignment, starting to acquire the target area and a project plan will be drawn up in cooperation with the commissioner's representatives. During the phase establish a management team, held the 1st Executive Team meeting and signed a project agreement. The phase results are the creation of a group image (name, logo et al.), web pages, etc. and project agreement with attachments.

GATE1 - Documentation and product design

  • Sprint01
  • Sprint02
  • This phase includes stage E1 - Offer
  • This phase is used for documentation (though the documentation will be updated as the situation requires) and development of the appearance of the product (mock ups). In this section, an offer is also made which the company accepts or does not accept. If the offer is accepted, we move on to the next phase, implemetation.

GATE2 - Implementation

  • Sprint02
  • Sprint03
  • Sprint04
  • Sprint05
  • In the implementation phase, we work on the project according to the project plan. During the implementation phase, testing is also done at the same time to ensure quality.

GATE3 - Testing

  • Sprint03
  • Sprint04
  • Sprint05
  • Sprint06
  • During the testing phase, the operation of the product is tested, and possible errors of the product are corrected. During the testing phase, product quality is maintained and product safety is ensured.

GATE4 - Acceptance testing

  • Sprint05
  • This phase includes stage E3 - Demo day
  • At this stage, the product is presented to the customer, and possible changes are made.

GATE5 - Product release and termination phase

  • Sprint06
  • Sprint07
  • This phase includes stage E4 - Release
  • The termination phase includes measures to terminate the project.During the phase, the project team will draw up a project final report and the performance team.During the phase, the project's result for the contractor is considered the last management team meeting in week x and unloading the project organization.The closing phase results in the final report of the project.

3.2 Project preliminary cost estimate

Presenting a cost estimate with a table:

4. Quality assurance

4.1 Approval of intermediate and results

Two or more people are always nominated for an issue. One reviews and accepts a completed issue that someone else has made, and after that the issue is transferred to the "waiting review" board. After this, the product owner accepts the issue and the issue can be closed.

4.2 Manage changes

In GitLab, we monitor version development and changes.

In the documentation, you can always find up-to-date information about what is being done and what will possibly be changed.

4.3 Documentation

Everything documented can be found in the documentation. The documentation also contains the names of those who are responsible for the document in question.

Changes to the documentation can be found in GitLab.

4.4 Risk management

Everything related to project risks can be found on the Risk Management table

4.5 Reviewing Policy

Inspections are performed by product owner at the end of each sprint. Product owner approves the completed issues, after which the issues can be marked as closed.

4.6 Complementary plans for the project plan

4.7 Plans for review and updating

The project plan will be reacted to deviations and environmental changes, so it is updated during the project. To this point, the dates are recorded in which the date of updating the plan at least must be checked.

4.8 Project Suspension Criteria

The Right Project Plan also includes the project's suspension criteria. However, these are not used in student projects because projects use a certain number of hours to make a result and the result will be released as it is at the end of the course.However, the project team makes a further development plan that a potential new project continues.

5. Communication and tracking of project progression (communication plan)

5.1 Communication Plan

Communication plan

6. The end of the project

6.1 Delivery of the end product, introduction

Here comes a short description of the final product. Everything included in the final product can be found on Project end report.

6.2 Taxation of the project produced by the project, archiving and retention period

During the project, the documents created by the team remain available to the team members. They take care of collecting the documents themselves.

6.3 Official termination of the project

The project ends in 18.4.2023, when the project contract expires.

6.4 Termination

The event organized after the end of the project will be published later.

6.5 Project Final Report

The final report of the project will be drawn up by the last management team meeting.