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Risk Management Plan

Document Risk Management Plan Draft
Author: Sampsa Tervo
Version: 0.1
Date: 14.2.2023

List the risks, assess their severity and probability, and try to consider measures on how the most serious / probable risks could be prevented in advance. In addition, it would be good to have a plan of how to act if the risk materializes. Attach the following section here:

RISK ID Description Severity Probability Responsible Action in case the risk escalates
RISK001 Electric grid goes down S2 P5 Person it happens to Wait for the electric grid to resume
RISK002 Testing not adequate S2 P4 Sampsa Tervo Take the system offline and fix any faults in it
RISK003 User interface breaks S1 P4 Justus Hänninen Take the system offline and fix the UI
RISK004 Backend errors S1 P4 Justus Hänninen Take the system offline and make sure that the errors stop occurring
RISK005 Injections to system from front-end S1 P4 Reima Parviainen See what the injections are about and prevent them from happening again
RISK006 Customer gets defunded S1 P5 - End the project
RISK007 Trolls fill up database S2 P4 Justus Hänninen Clear the database of any unwanted data
RISK008 Internet connections go down S2 P4 Everyone No action, continue work locally if possible
RISK009 Bad quality of code S1 P5 Developers Take the system offline and fix any faulty code
RISK010 Inaccurate time estimations S2 P3 Iina Pirinen Re-evaluate the timing of things and continue work
RISK011 Sabotage S2 P5 Reima Parviainen Fix any damage done to the system and make sure it can't happen again
RISK012 Product owner goes on sick leave S4 P3 Everyone Continue work on things that were agreed on
RISK013 JAMK servers go down S3 P4 Everyone Continue work locally
RISK014 Project team members leave S3 P4 Everyone Make sure that everyone is up to date on what anyone is doing so that someone else can take on their responsibilities
RISK015 Norovirus attacks the team S4 P5 Everyone Inform anyone that needs to know and get well soon!
RISK016 CSC gets breached S3 P4 Aarne Salmi Make sure that nothing gets stolen
RISK017 Developer's hard drive breaks S4 P5 Person it happens to Inform everyone about the work that was lost
RISK018 Competing teams steal source code S5 P5 Everyone Tell them that it's not cool to do that
RISK019 End user email leaks S3 P5 Justus Hänninen Inform them about it
RISK020 System gets DDoS'd S4 P5 Aarne Salmi Wait for the system to resume working correctly
RISK021 Miscommunication within the team S5 P4 Everyone Update every team member with the correct information
RISK022 Requirements don't meet the users needs S2 P5 Everyone Get back to work on the project and make sure to get it right the next time

Severity descriptions

The severity class should be defined according the project

Severity class Description
S1 Force Major, Total show stopper
S3 Medium effect, have to take action
S5 No immediate affect, to be observed
Probability class Description
P1 Almost inevitable
P3 Could very well happen
P5 Almost impossible