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FEA01-Backup-System 1.0

Feature ID FEA01
Subsystem the feature is part of Database
Responsible person Developers
Status Under review


Creating a system that we can use to take backups from the databases to ensure that no data will be lost at any point.

User Acceptance

  • The backup feature should meet the requirements and expectations of JAMK university personnel.
  • The backup feature should be tested and validated by JAMK university personnel before being released.

Technical Requirements

  • The backup feature should be integrated into the existing Skill Collector tool.
  • The backup data should be stored in a separate and secure location (remote server).
  • The backup process should be automated and run on a regular basis.
  • The backup data should be easily accessible and restoreable.

Security Requirements

  • Access to the backup data should be restricted to authorized personnel at JAMK university.
  • The backup data should be protected from unauthorized access, modification, or deletion.
Use Case 1

Preliminary user stories

  • #79 US113 As a system administrator, I want the production database to be able to take a backup from the command line if necessary
  • #66 US121 As a tester, I can use a pre-defined backup file as a basis for tests if necessary
  • #60 US126 As a system administrator, I require that the database backup is verified on another machine or separate from the production server in date-tar.gz format
  • #71 US141 As a system administrator, I require that the database backup is verified on another machine or separate from the production server in date-tar.gz format"


Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Write down some notions for testing

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 Requirement ID?
Testcase 2 Requirement ID?
Testcase 3 Requirement ID?
Testcase 4 Requirement ID?