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FEA02-Service-Analytics 1.0

Feature ID FEA02
Subsystem the feature is part of System administration
Responsible person Reima Parviainen
Status Implemented


System for capturing and analyzing the usage rate and other data about the service.


User Requirements

  • JAMK university personnel should be able to view and analyze the collected data.
  • We are not interested in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), since users have to be invited to use service.

Technical Requirements

  • If possible, use something else than Google Analytics.
  • Amount of users in service. (e.g How many users in last month)
  • Analytics should be able to track spent time on the service.
  • Analytics should be able to track what device end user is using.
  • Access to the analytics feature should be restricted to authorized personnel at JAMK university.
  • The analytics data should be protected from unauthorized access, modification, or deletion.
Use Case 1 To provide insights and analysis from usage of Skill Collector service.

Preliminary user stories

  • #77 US115 As a service producer, I want to monitor the usage rate of the service using the Google Analytics service, as it has been used before

User interface mock-up

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

User Acceptance

  • The backup feature should meet the requirements and expectations of JAMK university personnel.
  • The backup feature should be tested and validated by JAMK university personnel before being released.
Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 Requirement ID?
Testcase 2 Requirement ID?
Testcase 3 Requirement ID?
Testcase 4 Requirement ID?