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FEA05-Log-Management-System 1.0

Feature ID FEA05
Subsystem the feature is part of Server
Responsible person Aarne Salmi
Status Under Review


We will make logging system to the server side. With logs we can scan for suspicious usage.

Name Description
Use Case 1 Collect event from backend service as file format. Eg. Syslog of service

Preliminary user stories

  • #41 US110 As the administrator of the service, I want the logs to be in a machine-readable format so that various searches and parsing can be done on them
  • [#68] US120 As a data protection officer, I want to know how I can find the actions taken by a selected person in the log
  • #61 US125 As a service producer, I would like to save a week's worth of usage logs on a separate server, because those who break into the service are not allowed to destroy the logs
  • #58 US127 As a service provider, I would like to collect a usage log related to the use of the service, based on which possible abuses can be determined
  • #53 US128 As the administrator of the service, I hope that the format of the user log is visually interpretable, but it contains the attributes presented above
  • #56 US130 User ID, time, performed function, possible status are saved in the usage log
  • #54 US131 As a service administrator, I want to be able to search and visualize the collected usage log
  • #50 US132 As a data protection officer, I would like to check, if necessary, the actions taken by an individual in the user log at a certain point in time (default 1h)
  • #69 US140 As a service provider, I would like to save a week's worth of usage logs on a separate server, because those who break into the service are not allowed to destroy the logs
  • #73 US142 As a service provider, I would like to collect a usage log related to the use of the service, on the basis of which possible abuses can be determined
  • #76 US143 As the administrator of the service, I hope that the format of the user log is visually interpretable, but it contains the previously defined attributes
  • #82 US145 User ID, time, performed function, possible status are saved in the usage log
  • #85 US146 As a service administrator, I want to be able to search and visualize the collected usage log
  • #83 US147 As a data protection officer, I would like to check, if necessary, the actions taken by an individual in the user log at a certain point in time (default 1h)

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

User Acceptance

  • The log-management-system feature should meet the requirements and expectations of JAMK university personnel
  • The log-management-system feature should be tested and validated by JAMK university personnel before being released
Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 Requirement ID?
Testcase 2 Requirement ID?
Testcase 3 Requirement ID?
Testcase 4 Requirement ID?