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Feature ID FEA08
Subsystem the feature is part of Server
Responsible person Aarne Salmi
Status Under Review


Virtual machine on CSC-pouta service, that serves the publicly available version of the software

User requirements

  • Production environment is updated only with the permission of the product owner
  • Updates are tested thoroughly

Technical requirements

  • Virtual machine on the CSC-Pouta service
  • Software served from Docker containers
  • Manual/automated deployment from a specific production branch
Use Case 1
Requirement ReqID
Requirement ReqID

Preliminary user stories

  • #51 US101 As a service producer, I want to publish the service using Docker technology, because it makes production easier
  • #49 US102 As a service developer, I want to receive the end user's feedback in the form of an Issue, because it is clearer to process further
  • #48 US103 As a service producer, I want to help the end user through a separate support portal without burdening the development team with extra questions
  • #45 US104 As a service developer, I want to receive development feedback from the end user in the form of an Issue, because it is clearer to process further
  • #43 US108 As a service producer, I want to receive feedback from end users, based on which the product can be developed better
  • #41 US110 As the administrator of the service, I want the logs to be in a machine-readable format so that various searches and parsing can be done on them
  • #40 US111 As the producer of the service, I want a report on what kind of known vulnerabilities exist in the current implementation-related libraries or modules, because I need to prepare for the future
  • #79 US113 As a system administrator, I want the production database to be able to take a backup from the command line if necessary
  • #78 US114 As a service producer, I want to use labranet's gitlab registry to share containers
  • #77 US115 As a service producer, I want to monitor the usage rate of the service using the Google Analytics service, as it has been used before
  • #75 US116 As the producer of the service, I want to publish a "release note" description of the service, where you can find the changes and existing faults

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Write down some notions for testing

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 Requirement ID?
Testcase 2 Requirement ID?
Testcase 3 Requirement ID?
Testcase 4 Requirement ID?