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To gather feedback from end users and use that data to improve functionality of the service.

  • Author: Reima Parviainen
  • Date / Version: 06/02/2023 / v 0.1

User roles

  1. Root Admin - Actor1
  2. Service Admin - Actor2

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. The feedback should be accessible through a user-friendly interface.
  2. The feedback data should be exportable in a standard format (e.g. CSV) for analysis and reporting purposes.
  3. Feedback should show application version.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case

  1. Get notification about new feedback.
  2. Go to Web GUI
  3. Read feedback.
  4. React accordingly.


  • No known exceptions.


  • User feedback is gathered and appropriate measures are taken.

Use frequency

  • Everytime new feedback is received.

Additional information

  • Connected to:
  • Technical Requirements:
    • The feedback feature should be integrated into the existing Skill Collector tool.
    • The feedback should be stored in a secure database that can be accessed by authorized personnel at JAMK university.
    • The feedback should be accessible through a user-friendly interface.
    • The feedback data should be exportable in a standard format (e.g. CSV) for analysis and reporting purposes.
    • Feedback should show application version.
  • Security Requirements:
    • Access to the feedback feature should be restricted to authorized personnel at JAMK university.
    • The feedback data should be protected from unauthorized access, modification, or deletion.
  • User Acceptance:
    • The feedback feature should meet the requirements and expectations of JAMK university personnel.
    • The feedback feature should be tested and validated by JAMK university personnel before being released.
