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Provide info about general data protection rights and data management during service

  • Author: Reima Parviainen
  • Date / Version: 07/02/2023 / v 0.1

User roles

  1. Root Admin - Actor1
  2. Service Admin - Actor2
  3. End User - Actor3

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. User has to be informed about ALL information that is collected of user.
  2. User has to be informed how the collected data is used.
  3. User has to be informed where collected data is saved. (Hopefully inside EU.)

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case

  1. Get link to service through email
  2. Get notified about GDPR compliancy and how user data is handled.
  3. Use service and give answers.
  4. Possibly give feedback.


  • No known exceptions.


  • User feels that GDPR compliancy is fulfilled.

Use frequency

  • Everytime the service is used.

Additional information

  • Connected to:
  • Technical Requirements:
    • GDPR info has to be implemented in the skill collector service.
  • User Acceptance:
    • The GDPR info feature should meet the requirements and expectations of JAMK university personnel.
    • The GDPR info feature should be tested and validated by JAMK university personnel before being released.
