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Development Environment is running latest updates of service in CSC cloud instance.

  • Author: Reima Parviainen
  • Date / Version: 07/02/2023 / v 0.1

User roles

  1. Developers - Actor1
  2. Testers - Actor2

Prerequisites / Conditions

  • Deployment to Development server should be automated from gitlab branch.
  • Virtual instance in CSC Environment.
  • Automated deployment from gitlab branch.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case

  1. Developers push newest updates to Gitlab
  2. Updates are deployed automatically to CSC TEST Cloud instance
  3. Testers start testing.


  • No known exceptions.


  • Development Environment is running latest updates of service in CSC cloud instance.

Use frequency

  • Everytime the service is updated.

Additional information

  • Connected to:
  • User-Requirements:
    • Deployment to Development server should be automated from gitlab branch.
  • Technical Requirements:
    • Virtual instance in CSC Environment.
    • Automated deployment from gitlab branch.
