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Service has it's own DNS configured instead of floating public ip.

  • Author: Reima Parviainen
  • Date / Version: 07/02/2023 / v 0.1

User roles

  1. Root Admin - Actor1
  2. End User - Actor2

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Service has it's own DNS configured instead of floating public ip.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case

  1. DNS is set for the service.
  2. Write to browser and use service.


  • No known exceptions.


  • The service can be reached with a domain name instead of just an IP.

Use frequency

  • Everytime the service is used.

Additional information

  • Connected to:
  • User-Requirements:
    • Only Production server should have domain name, not required for the development server.
