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FEA23-skill data-importer

Import latest SFIA-Skills to database using importer.

  • Author: Reima Parviainen
  • Date / Version: 07/02/2023 / v 0.1

User roles

  1. Root Admin - Actor1

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Technical requirements are met.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case

  1. Import new SFIA skills to service database


  • No known exceptions.


  • Latest SFIA skills are imported to database.

Use frequency

  • Everytime the service is used.

Additional information

  • Connected to:
  • User-Requirements: --
  • Technical-Requirements: --
  • User Acceptance:
    • The feature should meet the requirements and expectations of JAMK university personnel.
    • The feature should be tested and validated by JAMK university personnel before being released.
