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Use Case user enters hash

The user of the application receives a hash code and uses it to log in to the survey

  • Author: Iina Pirinen
  • Date / Version: 07/02/2023

User roles

  1. End user
  2. Admin

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. User gets hash code
  2. User knows she/he is going to get hash code

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. User gets the hash
  2. User enters the hash
  3. User gets in to the survey


  • Wrong hash code

  • User never got the hash code


  • User gets in to the survey

Use frequency

  • Everytime hash code is generated and sent to company/companies


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thans to the original authors.