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Requirement Specification

Document Requirement Specification Draft
Specification name
Author: Iina Pirinen
Version: 1.0
Date: 14.2.2023


The purpose of this project is to create an application called Skill Collector, which is used to collect information from companies and pass it on to educational institutions. The information collected concerns the skills that companies need now and in the future from future employees. Educational institutions can choose new courses or modify the content of the courses according to the companies' answers.

About the author

The requirement specification is mainly written by Iina Pirinen, but other members of Gang de Farine have also participated in writing the requirement specification.

Iina Pirinen works as a team leader in the project, and is responsible for the documentation.

Other members of Gang de Farine have written sections related to their own field.

Short description of service/solution

The application collects pre-defined information about the characteristics and skills that companies think they need now and in the future. With the help of the application, data obtained from companies can be studied. The users of the application are business professionals who want to help educational institutions keep up with the development of the business world, and educational institutions who want to stay on top of the wave. The application serves as a tool for companies to get great employees in the future, and for the educational institution to be honored for up-to-date training.

You log into the application with a hash code, after which you can fill out the survey. The survey asks about SFIA skills, as well as other skills related to working life. The answers are stored in a database, from which the information is finally retrieved and can be viewed at educational institutions.

Business requirements

ReqID Description
BUSINESS-REQ-0001 Usage of Skill Collector application should be swift and easy so companies don't waste costly working hours too much.
BUSINESS-REQ-0002 Creating and sending out new hashlinks should be a quick process so Lippa personnel don't waste costly work hours
BUSINESS-REQ-0003 Skill Collector should look professional so end users take it seriously.

Stakeholder map

uml diagram

Stakeholders and profiles

Stakeholde/profile Info / Link to description Motivation?
JAMK Educational institute Wants information about the professional field to adjust courses according to real needs
Companies Wants employees in the future that have skills applicable to real work
Third-party universities Educational institute Can also benefit from the information collected by Skill Collector
Gang de Farine Link to site Creates the product to learn working on a software project and as a portfolio piece

Customer story's as background information

End users' story

  • End user The user comes to work and notices that he has received a message from the boss: "I hope you can spend about 10 minutes of your working time on this today. Here is the hash code I got from my contact, you can log in with it". The user sits down at his desk and enters the code into the application. He notices that the application has an info message where he can quickly see how the application is used. The user fills in the necessary information for the application and clicks "save your answer". The user no longer has to think about the application.

Customer need

ReqID Description
CUSTOMER-REQ-0001 As a user I would like it to take no more than 10 minutes to fill the survey
CUSTOMER-REQ-0002 As a user I want to have training video
CUSTOMER-REQ-0003 As a user, I would like to propose a new skills/definitions by using the Feedback-dialog
CUSTOMER-REQ-0004 As a user, we require the use of HTTPS connections in the service
CUSTOMER-REQ-0005 As a user, we require the use of HTTPS connections in the service
CUSTOMER-REQ-0006 As a user I can select one (1) the valuable important soft skill, one (1) the important soft skill, one (1) the most important soft skill
CUSTOMER-REQ-0007 As a user I can select five (5) future skills, five (5) valuable skills, five (5) important skills, five (5) the most important skills
CUSTOMER-REQ-0008 As a user, I would like to use search tool to find specific skill description or more info about skill
CUSTOMER-REQ-0009 As a user, I want to be able to have search functionality to find skills.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0010 As a user, I must be able to cancel my choices when filling in the survey.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0011 As a user, I want to see how many selections I have to make in the survey.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0012 As a user, I want to receive the CSV file via email which shows the data I filled in to the survey.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0013 As a user I would like to see "progress bar" over my my selections

Customer Journey paths in Service/solution

Customer Journey path of company

Customer Journey Path of admin

Customer Journey Path of organisation/institution

Preliminary User Storys

User Story ID Description Link to issue
US111 As the producer of the service, I want a report on what kind of known vulnerabilities exist in the current implementation-related libraries or modules, because I need to prepare for the future #40
US110 As the administrator of the service, I want the logs to be in a machine-readable format so that various searches and parsing can be done on them #41
US109 As a user of the service, I hope that the service is reliable and that it uses a secure HTTPS connection, because I don't dare to use HTTP services nowadays #42
US108 As a service producer, I want to receive feedback from end users, based on which the product can be developed better #43
US107 As a tester, I like to use Docker containers because it makes it easier to set up a test environment #44
US106 As a developer, I want to start a development environment quickly using containers #47
US105 The service can be set up by running the docker-compose up command #46
US104 As a service developer, I want to receive development feedback from the end user in the form of an Issue, because it is clearer to process further #45
US103 As a service producer, I want to help the end user through a separate support portal without burdening the development team with extra questions #48
US102 As a service developer, I want to receive the end user's feedback in the form of an Issue, because it is clearer to process further #49
US101 As a service producer, I want to publish the service using Docker technology, because it makes production easier #51
US128 As the administrator of the service, I hope that the format of the user log is visually interpretable, but it contains the attributes presented above #53
US131 As a service administrator, I want to be able to search and visualize the collected usage log #54
US130 User ID, time, performed function, possible status are saved in the usage log #56
US129 As a service provider, we must be able to save active events in the service for at least the last week so that they can be viewed quickly (max 5 min) #57
US127 As a service provider, I would like to collect a usage log related to the use of the service, based on which possible abuses can be determined #58
US126 As a system administrator, I require that the database backup is verified on another machine or separate from the production server in date-tar.gz format #60
US125 As a service producer, I would like to save a week's worth of usage logs on a separate server, because those who break into the service are not allowed to destroy the logs #61
US124 As a service administrator, I want the service to be served behind a reverse proxy, so the real servers are hidden in the internal network #62
US123 As a service producer, I want to visualize the active usage time and user numbers of the current customer base during the week, because it clarifies the understanding of the service's popularity #63
US122 As the administrator of the service, I want the various logs to be collected at the internet border of the service #64
US121 As a tester, I can use a pre-defined backup file as a basis for tests if necessary #66
US120 As a data protection officer, I want to know how I can find the actions taken by a selected person in the log #68
US119 As a service producer, I want to know what browsers our customers use, because it clarifies the development of features to serve the end customer better #70
US118 As a service producer, I want to receive feedback from end users, based on which the product can be developed better #72
US117 The service provider must find a data protection description information page on our service, because GDPR requires it #74
US116 As the producer of the service, I want to publish a "release note" description of the service, where you can find the changes and existing faults #75
US115 As a service producer, I want to monitor the usage rate of the service using the Google Analytics service, as it has been used before #77
US114 As a service producer, I want to use labranet's gitlab registry to share containers #78
US113 As a system administrator, I want the production database to be able to take a backup from the command line if necessary #79
US112 The service provider must find a data protection description information page on our service, because GDPR requires it #81
US147 As a data protection officer, I would like to check, if necessary, the actions taken by an individual in the user log at a certain point in time (default 1h)" #83
US135 As a customer, we require the use of HTTPS connections in the service #84
US134 For the customer, I hope to have a training video available, which I can use to inform users about the features of the application #86
US133 As a software developer, I want to know what information about the customer is stored so that we can make a GDPR description #87
US146 As a service administrator, I want to be able to search and visualize the collected usage log" #85
US145 User ID, time, performed function, possible status are saved in the usage log" #82
US144 As a service producer, we must be able to save active events in the service for at least the last week so that they can be viewed quickly (max 5 min)" #80
US143 As the administrator of the service, I hope that the format of the user log is visually interpretable, but it contains the previously defined attributes" #76
US142 As a service provider, I would like to collect a usage log related to the use of the service, on the basis of which possible abuses can be determined" #73
US141 As a system administrator, I require that the database backup is verified on another machine or separate from the production server in date-tar.gz format" #71
US140 As a service provider, I would like to save a week's worth of usage logs on a separate server, because those who break into the service are not allowed to destroy the logs" #69
US139 As a service administrator, I want the service to be served behind a reverse proxy, so the real servers are hidden in the internal network" #67
US138 As a service producer, I want to receive feedback from end users, based on which the product can be developed better #65
US137 In charge of security, I hope to get a report on the security level of the software implementation, aka "npm audit" #55
US136 As a customer, I would like to receive a summary of the product handover in the form of a Release Note, which explains the final failure situation and the level of information security #52
US132 As a data protection officer, I would like to check, if necessary, the actions taken by an individual in the user log at a certain point in time (default 1h) #50
US322 As a end user I can select one (1) the valuable important soft skill #105
US321 As a end user I can select one (1) the important soft skill #106
US320 As a end user I can select one (1) the most important soft skill #107
US319 As a end user I can select five (5) future skills #108
US318 As a end user I can select five (5) valuable skills #109
US317 As a end user I can select five (5) important skills #110
US316 As a end user I can select five (5) the most important skills #111
US315 As a adminuser, I would like to be able check latest results in database using Admin UI/CLI #112
US314 As a adminuser, I would like to be able export latest results from skill collector database in CSV Format #113
US313 As a end user, I would like to propose a new skills/definitions by using the Feedback-dialog [#114
US312 As a end user, I would like to use search tool to find specific skill description or more info about skill #115
US311 As a adminuser, I would like use Command Line tool/script for configuration of service #116
US310 As a adminuser, I would like use Admin UI for configuration of service #117
US308 As a product owner, I want the ability to choose max 20 skills (5+5+5+5) from SFIA-Skills. #119
US307 As a adminuser, I would like to set end user specific hash value using cli tool or UI #120
US302 As a end user, I want to be able to have search functionality to find skills. #121
US303 As a end user, I must be able to cancel my choices when filling in the survey. #122
US304 As a product owner, I want service to have limited amount of "tokens" that end user has available filling #123
US305 As a end user, I want to see how many selections I have to make in the survey. #124
US306 As a end user, I want to receive the CSV file via email which shows the data I filled in to the survey. #125
US301 As a end user I would like to see "progress bar" over my my selections #126

Selected Use Case of service

Use Case of a regular user

uml diagram

Use Case Domain
Use Case 1 - User enters hash Enter hash
Use Case 2 - User fills survey Fill survey
Use Case 3 - User sees progress bar Progress bar
Use Case 4 - User gives feedback Give feedback
Use Case 5 - User gets help Get help
Use Case 6 - User sees info See info
Use Case 7 - User quits Quit

Preliminary MockUp-prototype layouts for solution/service

  1. Company/answerer specific hash is inputted here
  2. A short introduction to the questionnaire is then given, contents TBD
  3. The questionnaire splits skills by category, which can be browsed through buttons/navigation menu. Undecided so far.

Everything is subject to change according to user requirements, or mere whim.

System requirements

Development environment:

  • Service provider for the initial hosting environment: CSC high performance computing cloud hosting service.
  • Server specifications: 4 VCPU, 7.8GB RAM, DISK 80GB
  • Operating system: Ubuntu-20.04
  • Basic security updates and hardening
  • Access via SSH

Cloud Hosting Requirements:

The project will be hosted on "CSC Clouds" with server specifications of 4 VCPU, 7.8GB RAM, and 80GB disk space running Ubuntu 20.04 with basic security patches and hardening applied. There will be both testing and production environments that are identical to each other. These servers are provided to the project for free during the development phase.

Docker Container Requirements:

The project will implement a lightweight software with a lightweight Linux distribution, resulting in a Docker image size that is likely to be below 200MB. The Docker container will require minimal resources, ensuring that it is suitable for deployment on a variety of machines. The network requirements for the Docker container will be kept to a minimum, allowing for easy deployment and integration with existing infrastructure. The goal is to make the product ready for deployment and easy to install on any machine once it is complete.

Deployment Requirements:

In order to deploy the ready Docker image, it is necessary to install Docker on the target machine. The Docker image can be pulled from a registry using either the Docker CLI or a web interface such as Docker Hub. The Docker container can then be started using the docker run command, with configuration options such as port mapping, resource limits, and environment variables specified as needed.

Software Dependencies:

The specific software dependencies of the Docker container may vary and will be documented in the Docker image's documentation or in the build context of the Dockerfile used to build the image. Currently, the software dependencies for this project are unknown but will be updated as the project progresses. The customer will initially only need to install the necessary Docker software to deploy the image. If any additional dependencies are required, a step-by-step guide for downloading and installing them will be provided to the customer.

Monitoring and Logging:

During development, the server and Docker container will be monitored using basic authentication and security logging. The development team will create automated logging for the product owner, which will be implemented during deployment. As the product becomes ready, it will be the responsibility of the product owner to monitor the logging.

Backup and Recovery:

During development, backup and recovery will be automated into daily tasks to ensure the integrity of the data. Once the product is handed over to the product owner, it will have built-in backup for the database using crontab. This will provide a reliable and efficient means of backing up and recovering the server and Docker container in the event of a failure.

Service Level Agreement (SLA) and data storage

Gang De Farine will follow the Service Level Agreement (SLA) which outlines the scope of work, performance standards, support and maintenance, data security, pricing, and dispute resolution. The SLA has been described in detail elsewhere in the documentation. Our team will provide the product to the customer and will not hold any responsibilities beyond that unless specifically agreed upon in the SLA. The customer and product owner will be responsible for validating and approving the product and its features to ensure satisfaction.

In terms of data storage and archiving requirements for the service, the implementation will utilize PostgreSQL as its database solution. The finished product will include a robust database implementation capable of generating hashes for customer use in surveys. It is important to note that the software will not collect any information that could be linked to the customer's identity. Furthermore, the implementation will follow all standards set by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ensure that the customer's data is secure and protected.

RequirementsID Description
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0002 1 Development and 1 Production server
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0003 Server memory capacity: 7.8GB
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0005 80GB Disk space
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0006 Ubuntu-20.04
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0007 SSH access only

Constraints and standards that affect on service design

ReqId Description
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00000 End user data shall be handled in a way that complies with [EU GDPR Act] (
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00001 The service should be accessible by Directive (EU) 2019/882
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00002 Service design should take into account the agreed-upon service levels and performance metrics that will be used to monitor the service's performance.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00003 The service must be designed with usability in mind to ensure that it is easy to use and understand.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00004 The design of the service must take into account the technical constraints and opportunities presented by available technology.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00005 The service design must consider the ability of the service to integrate with other systems and technologies as necessary

Service primay features and functionalities

uml diagram

Priorization of essential features / functions

  • P1 = Mandatory
  • P2 = Important
  • P3 = Nice to have
Feature Priority
FEA01-Backup-System P2
FEA02-Service-Analytics P1
FEA03-Customer-Feedback-system P1
FEA04-GDPR-Info P1
FEA05-Log-Management-System P2
FEA06-Service-Containerized P2
FEA07-Service-Regression-Test-Automatized P1
FEA08-Service-Production-Environment P1
FEA09-Service-Testing-Environmemt P1
FEA10-Secured Connection P1
FEA11-Service-Domain-Name P3
FEA20-skill-info-view P1
FEA21-skill-selection-view P1
FEA22-data-csv-exporter P2
FEA23-skill data-importer P2
FEA24-user-management P2
FEA26-User-Authorization P2
FEA27-Admin-Panel P2
FEA28-Skill-Search P3
FEA29-Softskill-selection-view P3
FEA30-Progress-Bar P3

Functional requirements of the service

ReqID Description Affected feature?
FUNC-REQ-C0001 Service admin can easily create new user hashes to the database FEA27 Admin panel
FUNC-REQ-C0002 Service admin can easily delete user hashes from the database FEA27 Admin panel
FUNC-REQ-C0003 Service admin can easily update user hashes from the database FEA27 Admin panel
FUNC-REQ-C0004 Service admin can easily check user hashes from the database FEA27 Admin panel
FUNC-REQ-C0005 Service admin can easily check user hashes from the database FEA27 Admin panel
FUNC-REQ-C0006 Admins can easily export survey data in CSV format FEA25 Skill data exporter
FUNC-REQ-C0007 End user can use the service with a hash link FEA24 User Management
FUNC-REQ-C0008 End user can find appropriate skills fast FEA28 Skill Search
FUNC-REQ-C0008 End user can find appropriate soft skills FEA28 Skill Search
FUNC-REQ-C0009 Root Admin can quickly deploy production version FEA06 Service Containerized
FUNC-REQ-C0010 Root Admin can quickly deploy test version FEA06 Service Containerized
FUNC-REQ-C0011 Service is ran through HTTPS connection FEA10 Secured Connection

Service non-functional requirements

Performance Requirements

ReqID Description
PERF-REQ-0000 CSV exporting should be quick
PERF-REQ-0001 Backups should se made without affecting performace
PERF-REQ-0002 New hashes can be made in mass quantities quickly
PERF-REQ-0003 Service uptime should be almost 100%
PERF-REQ-0004 Instances should hold up in the event of a DDoS

Security Requirements

ReqID Description Link
SECURITY-REQ-0001 Non-Functional Security Service has to have encypted connection between browser and application. FEA10 TLS/HTTPS
SECURITY-REQ-0002 Non-Functional Security Service has to handle personal data by GDPR standards GDPR
SECURITY-REQ-0003 Non-Functional Security Service has to be (npm) audited before release. US137
SECURITY-REQ-0004 Non-Functional Security Informational security report in the Release Note US136
SECURITY-REQ-0005 Functional Security Server must keep usage logs. FEA05

Accessibility Requirements

ReqID Description
USAB-REQ-0000 The service will meet WCAG 2.1 Accessibility guidelines on the basic level
USAB-REQ-0001 User interface should be visible in high contrast mode.
USAB-REQ-0002 Font size will be large enough for better viewing experience.
USAB-REQ-0003 The user inteface can be operated with keyboard only.

Quality Assurance

All features and the whole service need to be extensively tested before the release. We need to do the testing from the end users' point of view but also test the functionalities related to the admin users of the service. The service is going to go through functional, performance, security and availability testing. All the tests will be shown with detail in the master test plan.

Preliminary Acceptance Tests

With acceptance tests we can determine if the service is efficient and secure enough for the end users.

AcceptanceTestId Description Feature
ACCTEST001 - Acceptance Test 1 Verify that customer feedback system is working FEA03 Customer Feedback-system 1.0
ACCTEST002 - Acceptance Test 2 Verify that skill highlighting works correctly FEA31 Highlight suitable skills
ACCTEST003 - Acceptance Test 3 Verify that the progress bar works correctly FEA30 Progress bar
ACCTEST004 - Acceptance Test 4 Verify that user authorization is secure and working FEA26 User authorization
ACCTEST005 - Acceptance Test 5 Verify that data can be exported to csv FEA22 Data csv exporter

Software architecture, placement view, database description, and integrations

The system topology can be seen from the picture below, and the link contains a page with more detailed explanations.

Deployment diagram

uml diagram

Integrations with other systems

General view of integrations as UML Deployment Diagram

uml diagram

Describing integration as a sequence diagram

Skill Collector - uml diagram uml diagram

Standards and sources

ID Linkki
JHS 165 ICT Vaatimusmäärittely
SO 9241-11 Käytettävyys
ISO9001 -
- - -