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Release Plan

Gantt-chart with PlantUML -notation

uml diagram

RoadMap on Gitlab shows timeline where features are represented.

Features by patch

The following table shows the features to be released in each patch.

Patch "EarlyAdopter"

Version 1.0


Feature Version Can be tested To be released
fea01-backup-system 1.0 3.4.2023 10.4.2023
fea02-service-analytics 1.0 20.3.2023 10.4.2023
fea03-customer-feedback-system 1.0 6.3.2023 10.4.2023
fea04-gdpr-info 1.0 20.3.2023 10.4.2023
fea05-log-management-system 1.0 3.4.2023 10.4.2023
fea06-service-containerized 1.0 3.4.2023 10.4.2023
fea07-service-regression-test-automatized 1.0 3.4.2023 10.4.2023
fea08-service-production-environment 1.0 20.2.2023 10.4.2023
fea09-service-testing-environment 1.0 20.2.2023 10.4.2023
fea10-secured-connection 1.0 6.3.2023 10.4.2023
fea11-service-domain-name 1.0 6.3.2023 10.4.2023
fea20-skill-info-view 1.0 6.3.2023 10.4.2023
fea21-skill-selection-view 1.0 6.3.2023 10.4.2023
fea22-data-csv-exporter 1.0 3.4.2023 10.4.2023
fea23-skill-data-importer 1.0 6.3.2023 10.4.2023
fea24-user-management 1.0 3.4.2023 10.4.2023
fea26-user-authorization 1.0 3.4.2023 10.4.2023
fea27-admin-panel 1.0 3.4.2023 10.4.2023
fea28-skill-search 1.0 20.3.2023 10.4.2023
fea29-softskill-selection-view 1.0 6.3.2023 10.4.2023
fea30-progress-bar 1.0 20.3.2023 10.4.2023