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Acceptance test for customer feedback system:

Test case description Verify that the customer feedback system works correctly
Test case ID ACCTEST001
Test case designer Sampsa Tervo
Creation date 6.2.2023
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

  • version 0.1 Base
  • version 0.5

Test description / objective

  • User can send feedback through and the service adminstrator can access it.

Links to requirements or other sources


The system is capable of being used, has integrated into it and has a visible feedback button.

Test Steps

Step 1 -> Open the site
Step 2 -> Check that the feedback icon is visible and can be accessed
Step 3 -> Check that the feedback form has all the necessary information
Step 4 -> Check that the feedback can be accessed by the developers/service adminstrator


After it's confirmed that the feedback system works as intended, it can be released to production.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The feedback system is easy to use, meets the end-users expectations and the feedback information goes through to the adminstrator
  • FAIL condition: The icon for for the feedback doesn't work / the feedback doesn't go through the system / the system doesn't meet the end-users expectations