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Acceptance test for progress bar

Test case description Testing that the progress bar progresses correctly
Test case ID ACCTEST003
Test case designer Sampsa Tervo
Creation date 14.2.2023
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

  • version 0.1 Base

Test description / objective

  • Make sure that the progress bar progresses in the way that it's supposed to and doesn't break

Links to requirements or other sources


The system has all the skills visible in the front-end and the system has an integrated the progress bar in the testing version

Test Steps

Step 1 -> Enter the skill survey page
Step 2 -> Click through the skills and progress in the survey
Step 3 -> Watch the progress bar through the survey and make sure that it progresses smoothly
Step 4 -> Go back in the survey and do random clicks through it to see if it breaks


Determine that the progress bar works as intended, prepare the feature for release

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The progress bar only goes to 100%, resets back after the buttons are cleared and progresses smoothly
  • FAIL condition: Either of the PASS conditions isn't fulfilled