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Acceptance test for user authorization

Test case description Testing that the user authorization works as intended
Test case ID ACCTEST004
Test case designer Sampsa Tervo
Creation date 14.2.2023
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

  • version 0.1 Base

Test description / objective

  • Make sure that the user authorization works correctly and is secure

Links to requirements or other sources


The system has some sort of an admin panel that can be accessed with an username and a password by an admin user

Test Steps

Step 1 -> Open the admin panel
Step 2 -> Enter a working username
Step 3 -> Enter it's password
Step 4 -> Enter random usernames and passwords and make sure that they don't work
Step 5 -> Ensure that the admin panel can only be controlled with authorized usernames and passwords


Determine that the user authorization works as intended and is secure

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The admin user can enter a username and it's password to get in and it is the only way to access the admin panel
  • FAIL condition: Either of the PASS conditions isn't fulfilled