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Acceptance test for skill data exporter

Test case description Testing the exporting of survey data to a .csv file
Test case ID ACCTEST005
Test case designer Sampsa Tervo
Creation date 14.2.2023
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

  • version 0.1 Base

Test description / objective

  • Test that the survey data can be exported from the database to a .csv and the data remains uncorrupted

Links to requirements or other sources


The system has an option in the admin panel to export the data from the database

Test Steps

Step 1 -> Open the admin panel
Step 2 -> Enter a username
Step 3 -> Enter it's password
Step 4 -> Go through the options to the "data export"
Step 5 -> Export the data to a .csv file
Step 6 -> Go through the data and make sure that everything is fine with it


The data export function works as intended and the data stays intact and readable

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The admin user can export the data and it keeps it's integrity and the feature meets the end-users expectations
  • FAIL condition: Either the data can't be exported or it changes in some way from the original form