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Test Case for FEA03 - Customer feedback system

Test Case description Verifying that the feedback system works correctly
Test Case ID TC-001
Autohor/Designer Sampsa Tervo
Date of creation 6.3.2023
Class Functional

Test description / objective

This test verifies that the user can send feedback through and the feedback information can be forwarded to gitlab in the form of an issue.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state The site has a feedback icon visible and it can be clicked

Test steps

  1. Open the page
  2. Verify that the feedback button is visible
  3. Click on the feedback button
  4. Check that the feedback window opens and has all the necessary components
  5. Enter information into the feedback window
  6. Check that the information goes through to doorbell
  7. Check that the information goes through to gitlab in the form of an issue

Test end-state

The user is back on the page they were on before sending the feedback

To be taken into account during test

  • Notion 1
  • Notion 2

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: Feedback can be sent through the site and it goes through and is readable
  • FAIL condition: Any of the PASS conditions aren't met