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Test Case for FEA28 - Skill search

Test Case description Verify that the user can use the search/highlighting function
Test Case ID TC-005
Autohor/Designer Sampsa Tervo
Date of creation 6.3.2023
Class Functional

Test description / objective

This test aims to verify that the user can highlight any wanted skill groups to make it easier to choose them

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state The user is on the main survey page and can see the list of highlightable categories on the right side of the page

Test steps

  1. Click on the first highlightable category
  2. Make sure, that only the skills that are supposed to be in that category are highlighted
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each of the categories in the list
  4. Click on "Clear highlight" and each of the categories to verify that it works properly
  5. Verify, that you can't highlight multiple categories at the same time

Test end-state

The wanted skills are highlighted

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The user can highlight one category at a time and clear the selection if wanted
  • FAIL condition: Either of the pass conditions aren't met