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Test case for FEA27 - Admin panel

Test Case description Testing the admin panel (TUI)
Test Case ID TC-009
Autohor/Designer Sampsa Tervo
Date of creation 20.3.2023
Class Functional

Test description / objective

This test aims to verify that the admin panel can be used to "CRUD" hashes, import skills to the database and export data from the database to a .csv file.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state

The user has acquired access to the admin panel and is ready to open it.

Test steps

  1. Enter and log in to the machine that the service is being run on
  2. Run the command for the admin panel (
  3. Run the command to dump the answer database to a .csv file
  4. Verify, that all of the data is intact and readable from the .csv file
  5. Run the command to add a new hash to the database
  6. Verify, that the new hash appears in the database
  7. Run the command to update a hash in the database
  8. Verify, that the hash is edited
  9. Run the command to delete a hash from the database¨
  10. Verify, that the hash is deleted
  11. Run the command to import the SFIA data into the database
  12. Verify, that the database has the new imported SFIA data

Test end-state

The user is able to do all of the things mentioned above to manage the system

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The user can create, read, update AND delete hashes, export the data to a csv file and import new SFIA data to the database.
  • FAIL condition: ANY of the above criteria aren't met.