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  • Latest tests done on version: 0.0

System Test Results:

Security tests:

Test case Descrtiption Date Tester Pass/Fail

Performance tests:

Test case Descrtiption Date Tester Pass/Fail

Functional tests:

Test case Descrtiption Date Tester Pass/Fail
Test case 1 Testing the feedback system 7.3.2023 Reima Parviainen PASS
Test case 2 Testing the skill selection view 7.3.2023 Sampsa Tervo PASS
Test case 3 Testing the secured connection 27.3.2023 Sampsa Tervo PASS
Test case 4 Testing the softskill selection view 7.3.2023 Sampsa Tervo PASS
Test case 5 Testing the skill search 7.3.2023 Sampsa Tervo PASS
Test case 6 Testing the GDPR info 27.3.2023 Sampsa Tervo PASS
Test case 7 Testing the functionality of the progress bar 21.3.2023 Sampsa Tervo PASS
Test case 8 Testing the info view of each skill in the survey 7.3.2023 Sampsa Tervo PASS
Test case 9 Testing the functionalities of the admin panel

Load: 5/5 (Network load)

Stability: 1/5

  • Not completed

Quality Review

  • Results of static analysis:

Unit Test Results: