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Project summary

Briefly about the team

The project team was Gang de Farine, which includes Iina Pirinen, Reima Parviainen, Sampsa Tervo, Justus Hänninen and Aarne Salmi. You can find more information about the team on our website and core's team presentation.


The task of the project was to create a Skill Collector, a tool for the LIPPA project, that collects information about what skills are needed in working life now and in the future.

The application collects pre-defined information about the characteristics and skills that companies think they need now and in the future. With the help of the application, data obtained from companies can be studied. The users of the application are business professionals who want to help educational institutions keep up with the development of the business world, and educational institutions who want to stay on top of the wave. The application serves as a tool for companies to get great employees in the future, and for the educational institution to be honored for up-to-date training.

Focus and work progress

The focus of the project was to create as good a version of Skill Collector as the team could. The focus was also on learning teamwork and getting to know the working methods of agile development.

Since our team had a clear understanding of what we had to do from the beginning, and the team's atmosphere was supportive, the work flow was smooth throughout the project. We had also received clear instructions on the progress of the project from the Product Owner and other support persons of the course, so it was easy to prepare the project schedule. Each team member worked actively as a team member, which contributed to the smooth progress of the project.

The project's schedule was very tight considering how many features we had to deliver. This led to the fact that even though we got all the features done, some parts of the project got less attention. The cyber security issues fell a little short of the features, although the development team did a good job to keep the product as safe as possible. You could have spent unlimited time designing the appearance of the product, so that it could have been polished to perfection, but with such a short design time, we still got a pleasant look for the Skill Collector.

Overall, the project went well and the team members are satisfied with the end result and teamwork.

Used resources

The team was supported during the entire project by Veeti Hakala, Marko Rintamäki, Juho Pekki and Jarmo Viinikanoja. They gave support to the team in various matters. Big thanks also to ChatGPT, who helped the team members understand the documentation and things related to servers and containers.

Various guides for the tools needed in the project had also been given to support the team.

What was achieved?

With their active work, the team reached the Skill Collector, which is the best the team could do with these resources. We received a working tool that, with minor updates and changes, the LIPPA project can use to collect data from companies.

According to the feedback we received on the seminar day, the representatives of the companies and especially the LIPPA project were satisfied with our product.


Our demo server

You can find demos for some of the features we delivered from our website

Test results

You can find detailed information about test results on our documentation.


The project's problems were mostly technical. There was no person in our team who had previously worked with servers and containers. We tried to figure this out with the division of labor and scheduling. SysAdmin was tasked at the beginning of the course to focus only on studying servers and containers, and getting to know how to work with them. This method of operation proved to be good at the end of the course, when we got the servers and container to work as requested.

The team succeeded in identifying the weak points at the beginning of the project, and we were able to prepare for them in advance, so there were no major problems in the project. Fortunately, when problems arose, we were always able to ask for help from the course's support staff and other teams.


The team itself is satisfied with the Skill Collector it produced, which has a lot of potential for further development. The team was also excellent in creating a team, dividing tasks and building communication. The team's spirit throughout the course was pure gold, and the whole team considers this to be the biggest achievement in the project.

What we learned as a team?

During this project, we learned how to implement a project from start to finish, and how to build a good team. Each team member learned new knowledge about technical matters from each other.

The team also learned the importance of time management and planning so that the project is successful and stays on schedule.

What is our path for future?

We are now ready for the challenges of future working life. However, we will continue with our studies for a while before we go to try our wings in working life in the IT field. We will continue to keep in touch with each other and hope to meet again in the future in our studies.

We hope to develop our skills in teamwork further in the WIMMA Lab next summer, where we hope to see you too, whoever is reading this!

See ya!