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User guide for Skill Collector

Short description of product

Skill Collector is an application that is used to map the needs of working life, which would be good for future job seekers. Skill Collector maps companies' views on current and future needs. Skill Collector is based on the characteristics defined by SFIA. Skill Collector also collects so-called Soft skills that are also needed from a future employee.

  1. Follow the link to log in to Skill Collector.
  2. Enter the hash code you received in the input field (picture below).

  1. You should see a page like the image below.

  1. If you accept the terms, click the button with the image of an arrow.
  2. Now you should see a page like the image below.

  1. On the right side of the page, you will find a navigation bar, from which you can jump to the place you want on the page. On the right side of the page you can also find highlightable skills, so you can see specific skills quickly.
  2. Now you can fulfill 5 important, 5 most important, 5 valuable and 5 future needs. In addition, you can complete 1 valuable, 1 important and 1 most important soft skill. If you don't know what a skill means, you can move the cursor over the name of the skill and you will see a more detailed description of the skill. You can track your progress from the Progress Bar in the upper left corner.
  3. When you have filled in all the necessary fields, you can send your answer by pressing the Submit button.
  4. If you want, you can leave us feedback anonymously via the Feedback button in the lower right corner.

Target group

The target group is currently IT companies and their employees. In the future, Skill Collector can also be used to map the needs of other fields.

Basic functionalities

You can find the basic functionalities from Product MindMap.

Security aspects

  1. Authentication: The application has a secure authentication mechanism to prevent unauthorized access.

  2. Authorization: The application has proper authorization checks to ensure that users can only access the parts of the application they are allowed to.

  3. Input validation: The application validates all user inputs to prevent attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

  4. HTTPS: The application uses HTTPS to encrypt all communications between the server and the client. This can prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and ensure data confidentiality.

  5. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) prevention: The application has measures in place to prevent CSRF attacks, which can allow attackers to make unauthorized requests on behalf of a user.

  6. Error handling: The application handles errors gracefully and not reveal any sensitive information in error messages.

  7. Security updates: The application is regularly updated with security patches to ensure that any known vulnerabilities are addressed.